Your Own Branded Tax Calculator With Seamless Design For Any Screen Size

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Your Own Branded Tax Calculator With Seamless Design For Any Screen SizeToday marks the launch of a responsive designed tax widget for any screen size. It can be customised, branded and will provide a income breakdown regardless of source or type.

Your Own Branded Tax Calculator With Seamless Design For Any Screen Size
By Ray Arman

We've made some exciting updates to our most popular tax widget today that will allow third party businesses and individuals to add a branded tax tool as part of their existing online presence.

We have provided third parties the opportunity to add a tax tool to their own websites using our widgets for many years, but the key difference today is the tax calculator will automatically adjust to fit screens, regardless of size - so whether a visitor browses via desktop, tablet or mobile - they will all see an easy to use, instant overview of their tax situation. Known as responsive design, this allows the widget a seamless integration into the existing flow of any webpage.

Regardless of the type of income, or source - people using the widget can mix and match multiple sources and get a tax overview immediately.

An example on an existing website can be seen below:

It's simple and does not require a great deal of coding knowledge - a few examples are below for an example accountancy practice called 'ABC Tax Services'. By putting this website into mobile mode, by clicking here, you can try resizing your window to see how the widget adjusts:

Start with the basic code to insert the default widget:

<iframe src="" width="100%" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no"></iframe>
<script src=""></script>

The following tax wizard is inserted:

By adjusting the 'src' attribute of the code, further customisations can occur. The 'src', which means source, is a web address with certain parameters appended. So, above we had src=“". If the 'widget_title=' portion is amended, the header title of the widget can be changed. In a similar manner, further parameters can be added.

Parameters available for customising include:

  • widget_title - For example: &widget_title=NAME+OF+COMPANY (each plus sign denotes a space)
  • no_header - For example: &no_header=1 (by adding this parameter, the widget will not display the title, just the input area and results).
  • bgcolor - For example: &bgcolor=FFFFFF (this is the hex colour code for white)
  • menucolor - For example: &menucolor=E5F1F4 (this is the hex colour code for light blue)
  • buttoncolor - For example: &buttoncolor=4E9258 (this is the hex colour code for yellow)
  • headercolor - For example: &headercolor= FFFFFF (this is the hex colour code for white)
  • fontcolor - For example: &fontcolor=000000 (this is the hex colour code for black)

You can see more of our free tax widgets, here. Get in touch by email or twitter for any help!

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