Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Non-Profit Organization Salary Information

Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Non-Profit Organization salary information, income percentile, mortgage affordability and more.


How much does a chief executive officer (ceo), non-profit organization earn?

Annual salaries range from £29,088 to £102,072. Below is the full range of pay both before and after tax:

Pre-tax £29,088
(£2,424 p/mth)
(£4,115 p/mth)
(£8,506 p/mth)
Pre-tax Income Percentile 63rd 87th 97th
Post-tax £23,316
(£1,943 p/mth)
(£3,093 p/mth)
(£5,610 p/mth)
Post-tax Income Percentile 56th 82nd 96th
Percentage Tax Deduction 20% 25% 34%

The CEO of a non-profit organization is responsible for overseeing the functions of the business and of employees and / or volunteers. Depending on the type of nonprofit, you should also make sure that all of the finances are successful daily, weekly or monthly.

Compare the average salary of a chief executive officer (ceo), non-profit organization to your salary:


Below are the range of mortgages typically affordable for a single applicant chief executive officer (ceo), non-profit organization:

average gross salary£29,086£49,383£102,074
max mortgage£130,887£222,224£459,333
deposit paid£14,543£24,692£51,037
max purchase price£145,430£246,916£510,370
mortgage repayment p.mth (2.5%|25yr)£594£1,008£2,084

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