Pastor, Ministry Salary Information

Pastor, Ministry salary information, income percentile, mortgage affordability and more.


How much does a pastor, ministry earn?

Annual salaries range from £11,832 to £33,432. Below is the full range of pay both before and after tax:

Pre-tax £11,832
(£986 p/mth)
(£1,917 p/mth)
(£2,786 p/mth)
Pre-tax Income Percentile 3rd 48th 71st
Post-tax £11,448
(£954 p/mth)
(£1,598 p/mth)
(£2,189 p/mth)
Post-tax Income Percentile 2nd 41st 64th
Percentage Tax Deduction 3% 17% 21%

Pastors respond to the needs of their congregation. Pastors must ardently believe in the religion, mission and vision of the church to guide the sermon. And to build meaningful sermons and pass on biblical teachings, you need in-depth knowledge of the Bible.

Compare the average salary of a pastor, ministry to your salary:


Below are the range of mortgages typically affordable for a single applicant pastor, ministry:

average gross salary£11,836£23,000£33,433
max mortgage£53,262£103,500£150,449
deposit paid£5,918£11,500£16,717
max purchase price£59,180£115,000£167,166
mortgage repayment p.mth (2.5%|25yr)£242£470£683

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