Small Business Tax Planner - Summary

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March 28th 2025
Tax Week 51
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Business Summary

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Take Home Profit Summary For Sample Business - 2024/2025

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Profit and Loss

Gross Turnover£0.00
Annual Costs£0.00
Profit before Employee Costs£0.00
Employee Costs
No Employees£0.00
Gross Profit Before CT£0.00

Corporation Tax

No Corporation Tax To Be Paid.


No Profits available to declare as dividends.

Created by - Small Business Tax Planner - Find more free tax calculators at

Remember this is a rough summary to help you with your planning - certain assumptions have been made and the dividend tax calculation does not take into account any other income (aside from salaries paid by this business).

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You now have a summary of your business's profit (or loss) for the information you provided.

Salaries have been allocated and the net cost to your business worked out (Employers NI) as well as taxes for the employee.

If the business made a profit, corporation tax has been worked out and a maximum dividend possible has been listed for you to allocate to employees/shareholders/yourself.

Click print in the planner to get a printable summary!

Disclaimer: Remember this is a rough summary to help you with your planning - certain assumptions have been made and the dividend tax calculation does not take into account any other income (aside from salaries paid by this business).

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