Use our full set of UK Tax Calculators Online, Including PAYE and Self Employed Tax Calculators
We put together these calculators with the same tax calculation methods as used by HM Revenue & Customs.
All use the same Tax Rates and Allowances.
Tax Calculator
Includes PAYE, CIS and Self Employed. Income Tax, National Insurance, Student Loans, Tax Code Check, Pension Types and Reliefs, Bonuses and more!
Salary Calculator
Use our salary calculator to check your take home pay and compare salaries. Check what the take home pay from your salary should be or find the salary you need to get the take home pay your want!
Payslip Calculator
Paid via PAYE, Monthly, Weekly, 2-Weekly, 4-Weekly? If you have your current/last payslips, use this payslip calculator to check your tax or estimate your next payday!
Reverse Tax Calculator
Reverse Calculate Income Tax - Calculate Net to Gross - Find out how much you need to earn before tax to take home an income you enter - for PAYE, CIS and Self Employed.
Contractor Tax Calculator
If you are a contractor working inside IR35 under an umbrella company, you can use this calculator to accurately generate payslips and a pay summary for any contract from April 2009! All taxes, ER's, EE's, Fees and Expenses!
Income Tax Calculator
See how tax is deducted from your annual salary using this interactive visual income tax breakdown. It responds instantly to changes made to gross income and other inputs so just move the gross income slider to see how income tax, national insurance bands work alongside pensions and student loan deductions.
Better Off With Two Jobs Calculator
Use our calculator to see how much take home pay you can earn from a second income and compare it to your main income.
Second Job Calculator
Find out how much you need to earn in order to get the take home pay you want from an additional job or income source.
Compare Tax On Two Jobs
Enter two incomes from the same tax year with the tax codes HMRC has allocated for you. We will calculate the tax on a one income basis to check your tax is correct!
Company Car Tax Calculator
Calculate the company car tax and any fuel benefit charge on your actual income. Instantly compare with taking a cash allowance instead. You can also optionally add your capital contribution.
Self Employed Tax Calculator
Use our Self Employed Tax Calculator to calculate your self employment income and see the tax, national insurance and other deductions from your gross profit.
Wage Calculator
Find out exactly how much pay will be in your wage packet using this calculator.
Take Home Pay Calculator
Calculate the take home pay for your salary. This easy to use calculator will work out your deductions and show you a full take home pay breakdown.
What Will I Be Paid
Find out how much you will be paid on your next payslip, after taxes and other deductions using this calculator. It factors increases or decreases in income, and can even tell you how much overtime you would need for any extra desired take home pay.
Pre-Tax Cost Calculator
See how much you actually work to pay for the purchases you make. We calculate the pre-tax cost of each of your purchases to check the gross income cost per purchase and find out how much you work to pay for each one!
Gift Aid Calculator
Use our calculator to find out how much your gift aid donation is worth to the charity and see if you can claim back a tax refund on your donation.
Estimate Tax Payments
People submitting tax returns can have varying tax payments due to making payments on account. Use this calculator to estimate actual payments and dates from your income.
Multiple Income Tax Calculator
Calculate UK Tax Across All Your Sources Of Income - Tax Is Affected By Allowances / Tax Bands Used Up By Each Type Of Income Tax - This Calculate Adjusts Your Calculation Depending On Your Total Income.
Dividend Tax Calculator
Enter your NET Dividend, this is the amount you actually declare in your accounts - we will gross it up and calculate the amount of tax you need to pay on the dividend.
Multiple Income Tax Estimate
Use our calculator to get a fast breakdown of the tax and deductions when you have multiple sources of income in any tax year.
Capital Gains Tax Calculator
CGT for Property/Shares! Enter your assets including previous losses and produce gains/losses and the tax for each asset. 2011 Tax Rates included to calculate asset disposals before and after 23/06/2010!
Pension Withdrawal Tax Calculator
Get an estimate of the tax charge for withdrawing any sum of money from your pension pot using this quick and simple calculator.
State Pension Age Calculator
State Pension Age Calculator updated with the latest Government proposals. Enter your sex and date of birth to calculate.
Job Search with Take Home Comparison
Search every top UK jobsite in one go - get salary estimates, see changes to take home pay and shortlist your favourite jobs.
World Tax Calculator
Calculate Tax and Take-Home Pay Of 16 Major Economies - Calculate, Compare and More - Just enter your income in any currency!
Compare World Taxes
Compare Tax and Take-Home Pay Of 16 Major Economies - enter your income in any currency to see a full breakdown as well as the cost of common goods compared.
Graduate Salaries
Find what the starting salary is for your degree and where you could afford to buy your first home.
Small Business Tax Planner
Use our small business tax planner to quickly estimate the amount of profit your business can make and how you can remove the profit from the business. Add multiple dividends, salaries and more!
Dividend vs Salary
Sole Trader vs Employed Director vs Full Directors Dividend. Enter your Gross Profits, your age, sex and select the tax year. We will detail the tax efficient option for you!
IR35 Calculator
Use this IR35 calculator to see the take home pay differences between three different contractor income scenarios including Umbrella Company, Limited Company Outside IR35 and Limited Company Inside IR35.
Corporation Tax Calculator
Enter your gross profit and select tax year. We will select the appropriate corporation tax rate for you or if marginal, calculate corporation tax using marginal rate.
Buy To Let Tax Calculator
Use this valuable tool for Landlords to get an overview of the profit and tax liability for a property portfolio and see the effects of the upcoming rule changes for tax reliefs.
Budget Planner
Budget Planner and Budget Calculators to help you plan your finances quickly and accurately by using the Government's Budget data as well as creating your personal budget to save money.
Money, Savings and Debt Calculators
Use The Money Calculator's variety of calculators and guides to become an expert with money. Find the latest deals and news for anything money including Mortgages, Credit Cards, Loans, Savings, Investments, Pensions and Property.
Where Did My Tax Go?
Do you want to know how the government spends your income tax? Enter a few details and find out where your tax pounds were spent over the last 10 years.
Tax Relief and Expenses Calculator
Whether you are an employee or self employed, use our calculator to find out how you can reduce your tax bill by getting tax relief using your work expenses.
Tax Refund Check
Enter your income for up to the last four full tax years and we can calculate reliefs, allowances, overpayments and more to find areas where a refund may be possible.