View our full list of tax calculators for business.
Small Business Tax Planner
Use our small business tax planner to quickly estimate the amount of profit your business can make and how you can remove the profit from the business. Add multiple dividends, salaries and more!
Dividend vs Salary
Sole Trader vs Employed Director vs Full Directors Dividend. Enter your Gross Profits, your age, sex and select the tax year. We will detail the tax efficient option for you!
IR35 Calculator
Use this IR35 calculator to see the take home pay differences between three different contractor income scenarios including Umbrella Company, Limited Company Outside IR35 and Limited Company Inside IR35.
Corporation Tax Calculator
Enter your gross profit and select tax year. We will select the appropriate corporation tax rate for you or if marginal, calculate corporation tax using marginal rate.
Buy To Let Tax Calculator
Use this valuable tool for Landlords to get an overview of the profit and tax liability for a property portfolio and see the effects of the upcoming rule changes for tax reliefs.