Better Off With Two Jobs Calculator

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February 5th 2025
Tax Week 44
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Are You Better Off With Two Jobs

Use our calculator to see how much take home pay you can earn from a second income and compare it to your main income.

This is an error message.

* PIPR = Pence in pound taken home.

* NEPHW = Net earnings per hour worked.

First Income Gross


First Income Deductions


First Income Net


First Income PIPR


First Income NEPHW


Second Income Gross


Second Income Deductions


Second Income Net


Second Income PIPR


Second Income NEPHW


Total Gross Income


Total Take Home


Total PIPR


Are you looking to add a secondary income to help your budget to balance? You may be wondering what the actual take home pay for the extra few hours in the evening will actually be.

This calculator will accurately calculate the effect of any income source being added to an existing regular income.

When querying our UK Tax Calculator system, it will account for student loans, allowances and pensions and you can add any type of income as your first or second incomes - whether that be regular PAYE employment or Self Employment or other sources such as Dividends, Property Rental Profits and more.

The calculator will find out the answer to questions like, I earn £15,000 in my main job. How much will I take home from working an additional 8 hours a week.

We provide two metrics you can use to assess if you are better off adding a secondary income. The first is the PIPR. This is the pence per pound earned gross that is taken home after all deductions. The second is the NEPHW. This is amount you earn per hour of work after deductions. This is worked out using the number of hours per week you provide for each income source.

If you are looking for a job why not use our job search engine? It includes jobs from every top job website but shows you the take home pay for each job as well as allowing shortlisting and applying online.

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