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Need to add Scottish rates
Helen Crowley - 17/12/2018 12:23:16You can select the Scottish tax rates for calculations by clicking the Scottish flag (on the website) or selecting tax region to SCT on mobile apps.
Ray Arman
I need to rolling tax calculator: part of the year to be monthly, then a gap of no income followed by weekly
Rod - 04/12/2018 00:10:30The tax would still be cumulative for both periods of pay. You can use our payslip calculator and enter the total income to date and total tax paid to date from your initial monthly part of the year's income. Then calculate weekly income tax on each weekly payslip.
Ray Arman
Abhishek Mantri - 02/12/2018 11:35:23
I can't see Month 1 or Week 1 calculations in the calculator. Please can you add this - thanks
Shikhar - 16/10/2018 11:48:26Please use the payslip calculator ( https://www.uktaxcalculators.co.uk/payslip-calculator.php ) You can then check the option box to calculate on Mth1/Wk1 Basis.
Ray Arman
I have two pensions as income plus a job. i would like to be able to calculate my income from all three resources.
Gordon Lees - 09/10/2018 08:46:02You can use our multiple income calculators and input your pension income as 'NIC Exempt Income'.
Ray Arman