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1 query example 2; you have not taken advantage of the last £2,888 personal allowance after only £8112 salary???
Luke Randolph - 09/07/2015 19:35:08The second example attempts to only take a salary equal to an amount before it would be liable to NICs. It may not be the best scenario depending upon the profit but is placed there to allow comparison.
Ray Arman
In terms of the dividend vs salary calculator how about a max £32k dividend option illustration?
Richard Russell - 09/07/2015 12:52:23It depends upon the level of profits input into the calculator at the moment. So a £32k dividend will only be taken if the company has net profits after CT of £32k.
Ray Arman
I also think that the tax on dividends is not taking into account the new £5K allowance and the 3 differentrates of taxation
Will Barnett - 09/07/2015 12:18:24This has now been added. Select the 2016/17 tax year option.
Ray Arman
Hello, your new dividend tax calculator for 2016/17 does not take into account the drop in CT to 19%.
Will Barnett - 09/07/2015 12:06:08The rate drops to 19% in 2017.
Ray Arman
Does your tax calculator take child benefit into account, please?
Richard Adams - 17/04/2015 13:05:43The calculator cannot take Child Benefit into account as any repayment of benefit paid is dependent upon either spouses income level. You can use our personal budget planner at our sister site, Walleto, where you enter your/your partner's income details and the amount of benefit available is calculated automatically.
Ray Arman