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I paid to remove the ads, since reinstalling the ads have returned. How do I reinstate my purchase on ios?
Chris Graham - 26/03/2015 21:11:25You can remove the ads after reinstalling by tapping the unlock to purchase button. The app will prompt you to advise you have already paid, no payment will be taken, and then the ads will be removed.
Ray Arman
You should include a bonus calculator and the impact on that months salray, child tax credits, childcare vouchers etc
Stuart Thornton - 26/03/2015 13:48:05Our payslip calculator can handle cumulative tax calculations such as this. Please enter your previous payslip details, then your basic pay and the amount of the bonus. Provided the salary information is correct, the impact on your salary will be displayed. Tax credits and childcare vouchers are out of the scope of this application due to the way in which they are calculated based on the previous year's earnings.
Ray Arman
How does calculator work for year to 30 Sept 2014?
Alan Rook - 26/03/2015 10:10:31If you are calculating for business profits across tax years, e.g. half in 2013/2014 and the remainder in 2014/2015, you will need to manually split the profits into tax years and enter them one at a time. I.e. 20000 for 2013/2014 and 10000 for 2014/2015. Hope that helps.
Ray Arman
for 2015-16 tax calcs, the transfer of £1060 from spouse/partner for those with income below 20% tax allowance would be good
Barry Hughes - 11/03/2015 17:22:59Hi Barry, We have updated for 2015/2016 now. The transferable tax allowance is capped at basic rate so essentially should be an extension to your tax free personal allowance. You can enter the additional allowance amount into the Additional Allowances/Deductions box. The allowance should be entered as a positive figure e.g. 1060. Hope that helps.
Ray Arman
Will you be updating the calculators for the 2015-16 tax year. Also the iOS App? I would be happy to pay for an updated app..
Matthew Armistead - 05/03/2015 15:00:45Hi Matthew, Both website and app are now updated!
Ray Arman