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What if I have dividend income?
John Mather - 07/04/2012 07:26:24If you have more than one income source, please use the multiple income tax calculator.
Ray Arman
This calculator is brilliant!
Pauline - 04/04/2012 09:56:28
Is there any tax free allowance on a second income? I presume it is just added to the gross.
Gary - 31/03/2012 16:43:39You have one tax free allowance spread across all personal income sources, apart from Capital Gains where gains have their own annual exempt amount.
Ray Arman
at the age of 70 trying to work a laptop this data is verey helpful thank you
Jsmenzies - 31/03/2012 10:35:09
I will like to see the percentage use in taxing
Chima - 14/03/2012 11:10:19