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add pension income to salary to find overall tax rate
Lindsay - 05/02/2012 14:06:17
Would like to see allowances disappear when income is over £100,000. Fairly major oversight.
Raymond P - 13/01/2012 17:56:12Allowances do reduce by £1 for every £2 over the £100,000 limit (2011-), however the only time this behaviour does not occur on this calculator is when you have entered a tax code for your calculation. Tax codes are provided WITH the above reduction in allowances, so no further amendments are made to the personal allowance by the calculation.
Ray Arman
Non-earned, non-ISA income e.g. savings and bonds interest and dividends
Andrew - 18/12/2011 13:45:17
S WAITE - 02/12/2011 13:48:08
Pre- April 2011 Childcare Scheme
DENISE FIELDING - 26/10/2011 18:12:23