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Excellent - well done whoever devised this
Duncan Parsons - 22/10/2011 18:31:43
Fantastic software - but what about Directors who pay themselves with a mixture of salary and dividends? Thanks
Grant Buchanan - 24/09/2011 08:56:41
Excellent presentation and ease of use ! Can the reuslts be saved as a .CSV to be used in EXCEL ?
Somba Dih - 10/09/2011 21:35:47
Pensioners. Breakdown to include seperate state pension plus any company pension against the higher personal allowance
Mike Coyne - 31/07/2011 14:49:15
Is there any allowance for a same sex marriage where the oversea partner is not recieving any wage or benefits
David Thomas - 02/07/2011 11:12:38