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Read ideas from other users below, or tell us your own.
to calculate tax payable on a redundancy lump sum where the first 30000is tax free, also receiving pension and tax free lump sum
Richard Hemsworth - 02/11/2010 20:30:59
add a mixed earned income pension income option, for us working retired
Dave Beck - 31/10/2010 18:54:37
A 65-year old on £99,999 pa takes home £5,839 pm, but one on £100,100 takes home £5,628 pm. WHY??
R Wakefield - 28/10/2010 13:23:03(1) From the 2010-11 tax year the Personal Allowance reduces where the income is above £100, 000 - by £1 for every £2 of income above the £100,000 limit. This reduction applies irrespective of age.
Ray Arman
(2) These allowances reduce where the income is above the income limit - by £1 for every £2 of income above the limit. For the 2008-09 and 2009-10 tax years they will never be less than the basic Personal Allowance or minimum amount of Married Couple's Allowance. However, from the 2010-11 tax year the Personal Allowance for people aged 65 to 74 and 75 and over can be reduced below the basic Personal Allowance where the income is above £100,000.
This is the information from HMRC. Please email us if we have misinterpreted this.
ATUL - 25/10/2010 17:35:05
income limit for age related allowances....or threshold limits for 2011-2012
Roger - 21/10/2010 02:28:11