We love to hear your thoughts on how to improve our website!
Read ideas from other users below, or tell us your own.
I have just come across this site and I think it is superb. Could you add Bonus calculations on here? Thank you.
Mark Reynolds - 10/03/2010 11:36:42Bonus tax calculation added (13-03-10)
Ray Arman
Can you add a salary sacrifice function for pension contributions?
Douglas - 26/02/2010 13:19:38Added New Salary Sacrifice Option
Ray Arman
How about the effect of charitable donations ?
Mark - 09/02/2010 12:31:05Payroll Giving is deducted from the Gross Income
Ray Arman
Can you graph the years to show graphical change in net salary
Taxpayer - 05/02/2010 15:28:33ADDED HISTORIC DATA GRAPH
Ray Arman
Could you modify this to provide information where someone has two seperate jobs and tax codes? Thanks
Keith - 03/02/2010 14:18:10This feature has now been added, select compare tax on 2 jobs from the menu, Thanks!
Ray Arman