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Hi, really useful website. Could you incorporate a 'payroll giving' option under the 'more options' tab?
Bernard Murray - 11/10/2021 12:59:56Thanks for the suggestion, in the meantime there is an option for payroll giving in our multiple income calculator at https://www.uktaxcalculators.co.uk/wizard/
Ray Arman
Would be great if you could use the URL to share your calculation, or bookmark the results page
Phil - 22/09/2021 23:57:58You can save a calculation, it will generate a URL like: tinyurl.com/yfyw67e7
Ray Arman
It would be useful to have a "What If" scenario to add such as What If I drawdown from my pension in addition to my salary
James McGarry - 07/09/2021 13:31:57Does this calculator help? https://www.uktaxcalculators.co.uk/tax-calculators/personal-tax-calculators/pension-withdrawal-calculator/
Ray Arman
In your reverse calculator, does "tax year 2021" refer to the year ending 5th April 2021 or tax year ending 5th April 2022
Rosy - 12/05/2021 10:42:46tax year 2021 refers to tax year ending 5th April 2022 (2021/2022)
Ray Arman
Dritan - 05/05/2021 14:33:55