Enter your salary details below to check what you have been taxed against what you should be taxed!
Just enter the Gross Income and the tax codes HMRC have given you
Enter your salary details below to check what you have been taxed against what you should be taxed!
HMRC provide your employer or pension provider with a tax code, but these can sometimes be incorrect. There have been situations in the last few years where due to system errors, HMRC have provided incorrect tax codes for people resulting in under or overpayment of tax. The tax codes should determine the amount of tax free income allowed within each employment or income source a taxpayer has – if the figure provided by the code is incorrect it can result in tax being incorrectly calculated.
The tax code is used to figure out the amount of income you are allowed to earn before any tax is deducted. Your circumstances are evaluated and you have allowances and deductions allocated to you, which are then subtracted to provide a new tax free allowance figure. This is then coded into the commonly recognisable letter and number form. To learn more about tax codes, read our in-depth tax codes guide.
When attempting to check if your code is correct, we require you to enter your incomes and all associated allowances and deductions known for the income. Your income is then combined and the basic tax free allowance for your sex and age group is calculated. The amount of tax is then calculated and compared to the amount of tax that would be deducted across the two income provided. Any discrepancy is highlighted so you can raise an issue where the code could be incorrect.
You can also use our Second Job Calculator to find the gross income you need in a second job based on the deductions that will happen due to having more than one income.