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We examine the take home pay after tax and deductions for graduates and whether it is possible to afford to buy a home.
7 April 2018 2:34pm 13,322 views
Government wants to know how people are making money through online platforms and whether they are aware of their tax obligations.
15 March 2018 10:11am 13,408 views
A new consultation has been announced to look into helping those who pay for their own work-related courses/training regardless of employment type or current employment.
14 March 2018 4:56pm 12,397 views
In a few days tax bills for landlords will begin an upward journey - we examine the effects and possible solutions.
3 April 2017 4:11pm 19,663 views
The 2015 Summer Budget proposed taxation changes to tax reliefs. Coupled with earlier Stamp Duty changes we examine the effect on landlords and tenants.
29 February 2016 1:42pm 25,413 views
Important notes for taxpayers subject to the new Scottish Rates starting April 2016.
17 February 2016 1:24pm 22,409 views
Starting from this April everyone gets a new tax free allowance for savings. Here is a brief roundup of the important details.
9 February 2016 11:05pm 31,138 views
Will it still be better to incorporate to save tax with dividends in 2016?
9 July 2015 7:48pm 25,102 views
Read our overview of the types of expenses allowed for businesses and the rules to watch out for.
2 January 2014 11:22am 40,076 views
Read our overview of the types of expenses an employee can use to reduce their tax bill.
2 January 2014 11:13am 33,381 views