5 Days To Tax Return Deadline


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5 Days To Tax Return Deadline3 million tax returns outstanding with less than a week to go.

5 Days To Tax Return Deadline
5 Days To Tax Return Deadline


Over eleven million tax returns are expected for the tax year ending April 2019. So far over eight million have been filed with the Taxman and, with five days to the midnight Friday deadline, three million are still to be filed.

There has been a significant pace to the rate of online submissions. Since two weeks ago there have been an additional three million tax returns filed using HMRC's online services.

The heavy pace had an effect on the internet gateways with some people have trouble using the online services.

Due to this HMRC is encouraging people to beat the last minute rush and have plenty of time to spare in case of IT issues. There are automatic £100 penalties applied for missing the deadline regardless of tax due and some excuses do not pass the leniency tests.

If you can find three hours to complete your tax return it is best to get started and get it out of the way.

There are a number of tools and resources on our website to help you, from estimating your 2019 tax return bill through to numerous tax guides. You can also contact the Self Assessment helpline on 0300 200 3310 (open until 8pm thursday 30/1 and friday 31/1), find help on GOV.uk as well as use the HMRC web-chat system, which is available until midnight this Thursday and Friday.

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