(BETA) See how your expenses can reduce your tax bill
You can reduce your tax bill by listing any expenditure that is work (employees) or business (self employed) related.
Begin below by selecting categories and entering the relevant information - you will see the changes in your estimated tax bill as you enter your information. You can save at any time by clicking 'save' above.
Scroll ( ) to a category below or click here to select a category to jump to
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Enter your work/business expenditure by selecting a category. For each category, you can view further information about the types of spending classed as allowable for tax relief purposes.
Each category will also detail the rules as set by HMRC.
How to use
Editing or Updating Spending Entries
Select a category.
Scroll through the list to find an expense category in which you want to add an entry.
The category box will scroll into view, you can scroll through it to see an entry you wish to edit.
Click the pencil icon to edit the entry.
When you're done editing, click update to continue. You will automatically see updates to your tax calculation.
Deleting Spending Entries
Select a category.
Scroll through the list to find an expense category in which you want to add an entry.
The category box will scroll into view, you can scroll through it to see an entry you wish to edit.
Click the cross icon to remove the entry.
The calculation will automatically update.
Printing or Downloading Your Computation
Click the 'view computation' button to open the computation.
Once the computation is displayed, you can print or save/open a 'Rich Text File' version - this can be edited by you (if claiming a refund or amendment from HMRC).