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comparing tax in australia with japan

AustraliaJapanDifference in Japan
Gross Income 61,253.64 AUD / 30,000.00 GBP 5,811,573.75 JPY / 29,999.98 GBP - 0.00 GBP
Tax Due 15,320.08 AUD / 7,503.27 GBP 1,777,788.26 JPY / 9,177.14 GBP + 1,673.87 GBP
Net Income 45,933.56 AUD / 22,496.73 GBP 4,033,785.49 JPY / 20,822.84 GBP - 1,673.87 GBP
Overall Tax Rate 25 % 30.6 % + 5.60 %.

Figures based upon 1 AUD = 0.48976681 GBP.

Figures based upon 1 JPY = 0.00516211 GBP.

In Australia, an income of 61,253.64 AUD / 30,000.00 GBP is more than the lowest average advertised salary of 31,000.00 AUD / 15,182.77 GBP and less than the country's average income of 72,000.00 AUD / 35,263.21 GBP.

In Japan, an income of 5,811,573.75 JPY / 29,999.98 GBP is more than the lowest average advertised salary of 1,530,000.00 JPY / 7,898.03 GBP and more than the country's average income of 5,400,000.00 JPY / 27,875.39 GBP.

Here are how much some common purchases cost in Australia vs Japan:

AustraliaJapanDifference in Japan
Water Bottle (1.5L) 1.79 AUD / 0.88 GBP 130.33 JPY / 0.67 GBP - 0.21 GBP
Milk Bottle (1L) 1.46 AUD / 0.72 GBP 183.91 JPY / 0.95 GBP + 0.23 GBP
Pint of Beer 8.00 AUD / 3.92 GBP 400.00 JPY / 2.06 GBP - 1.86 GBP
Bread (500g) 2.52 AUD / 1.23 GBP 195.41 JPY / 1.01 GBP - 0.22 GBP
Chicken Breasts (1kg) 10.24 AUD / 5.02 GBP 776.04 JPY / 4.01 GBP - 1.01 GBP
Petrol UK Gallon 6.68 AUD / 3.27 GBP 645.71 JPY / 3.33 GBP + 0.06 GBP
Volkswagen Golf or Equivalent 25,000.00 AUD / 12,244.17 GBP 2,534,500.00 JPY / 13,083.37 GBP + 839.21 GBP
Broadband Internet Monthly 74.02 AUD / 36.25 GBP 4,665.89 JPY / 24.09 GBP - 12.16 GBP
Rent One Bedroom Apt. In City (Monthly) 1,679.85 AUD / 822.73 GBP 86,722.76 JPY / 447.67 GBP - 375.06 GBP
Purchase One Bedroom Apt. In City 264,251.05 AUD / 129,421.39 GBP 30,368,158.80 JPY / 156,763.78 GBP + 27,342.48 GBP

Part of Oceania, Australia covers an area of 7,700,519 square kilometers.

Australia has a Gross Domestic Product (PPP) of 1,188.76 ($ Billion) from a population of 24,641,662.

A progressive tax system spread over 5 bands - ranging from 0% to 45%.

2024 Tax bands are as follow:

Below 18200 AUD - 0%

Between 18200 AUD and 45000 AUD - 16%.

Between 45000 AUD and 135000 AUD - 30%.

Between 135000 AUD and 190000 AUD - 37%.

Above 190000 AUD - 45%.

There are no social security contributions. A Medicare (National Health Scheme) levy is calculated on taxable income of 2% on average.

The pension (compulsory superannuation) contribution rate for 2024-2025 will be 11.5% of the employee's salary. The payments are tax deductible.


Source: (Currency Conversion).

Source: (Averages from average salaries in major job categories).

Source: (Cost of living).

Part of Asia, Japan covers an area of 364,503 square kilometers.

Japan has a Gross Domestic Product (PPP) of 4,931.88 ($ Billion) from a population of 126,045,211.

A progressive tax system spread over 7 bands - ranging from 5% to 45%.

Tax bands are as follow:

Below 1950000 JPY - 5%

Between 1950000 JPY and 3300000 JPY - 10%.

Between 3300000 JPY and 6950000 JPY - 20%.

Between 6950000 JPY and 9000000 JPY - 23%.

Between 9000000 JPY and 18000000 JPY - 33%.

Between 18000000 JPY and 400000000 JPY - 40%.

Above 400000000 JPY - 45%.

Residents receive a national and local personal tax exemption this is on a scale from 480,000 JPY.

A surcharge is applicable of 2.1% on the calculated national income tax - set to continue until 2037.

A local inhabitant's income tax is also imposed typically at 10% flat rate on taxable income.

Social insurance premiums in Tokyo charged on gross income are: Health 5%, Welfare and Pension 9.15% (Capped at 7.8M JPY of gross income), Unemployment 0.5%.

Social insurance premiums are tax deductible.

For 2024 there is a one-time tax cut of 30,000 JPY on income tax for people earning less than 18.05 million JPY.


Source: (Currency Conversion).

Source: (Averages from average salaries in major job categories).

Source: (Cost of living).


This calculator allows you to calculate income taxes and social contributions equivalent for Australia and Japan and allow comparison between both. You can choose the preferred currency for the input amounts and displayed calculation. For example: If you choose GBP as your preferred currency, then the income entered will be converted to Australia's and Japan's native currencies for the calculation so that correct income equivalent is used. The results will then be shown in the native currencies and GBP.

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